Maintenance products for aluminium and PVC windows and doors
Besides fly screens for windows and doors, you can also rely on us for our range of maintenance products.
- For each type of aluminium
- Specific products for professionals
- Not caustic or aggressive

Alureno : Aluminium surface renewer
Alureno is specifically designed to clean and renew any type of weathered aluminium joinery. This cleaner restores the original appearance in case of strong UV weathering and nourishes the surface. That way, you can keep the original new look.
- To be used for all types of aluminium
- Protects against soiling, discolouration and ageing
- Not aggressive to paints, plastics and other materials

Alupro : Professional aluminium cleaner
The AluPro is a high-performance aluminium cleaner for the professional craftsman. This product is mainly used when installing and producing aluminium joinery. Ideal for various applications within industry.
- Quick-drying cleaner
- To be used for all types of aluminium
- Antistatic action

PVC Cleaner 490 : (Structoclean)
This textured cleaner is a special cleaner for cleaning and maintaining coloured PVC windows with a wood texture.
- Not caustic or aggressive
- Free of acids and alkaline components
- Specifically for coloured PVC and PVC with wood-structure film

Aluclean : Neutral alu cleaner
This neutral aluminium cleaner is specially designed for cleaning soiled anodised and painted aluminium and steel.
- Contains no acids or abrasives
- Can be applied to all types of metal and steel
- Suitable for daily use
Order your products here
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